Generalized symmetric group

Wreath product of cyclic group m and symmetrical group n

In mathematics, the generalized symmetric group is the wreath product S ( m , n ) := Z m S n {\displaystyle S(m,n):=Z_{m}\wr S_{n}} of the cyclic group of order m and the symmetric group of order n.


  • For m = 1 , {\displaystyle m=1,} the generalized symmetric group is exactly the ordinary symmetric group: S ( 1 , n ) = S n . {\displaystyle S(1,n)=S_{n}.}
  • For m = 2 , {\displaystyle m=2,} one can consider the cyclic group of order 2 as positives and negatives ( Z 2 { ± 1 } {\displaystyle Z_{2}\cong \{\pm 1\}} ) and identify the generalized symmetric group S ( 2 , n ) {\displaystyle S(2,n)} with the signed symmetric group.

Representation theory

There is a natural representation of elements of S ( m , n ) {\displaystyle S(m,n)} as generalized permutation matrices, where the nonzero entries are m-th roots of unity: Z m μ m . {\displaystyle Z_{m}\cong \mu _{m}.}

The representation theory has been studied since (Osima 1954); see references in (Can 1996). As with the symmetric group, the representations can be constructed in terms of Specht modules; see (Can 1996).


The first group homology group (concretely, the abelianization) is Z m × Z 2 {\displaystyle Z_{m}\times Z_{2}} (for m odd this is isomorphic to Z 2 m {\displaystyle Z_{2m}} ): the Z m {\displaystyle Z_{m}} factors (which are all conjugate, hence must map identically in an abelian group, since conjugation is trivial in an abelian group) can be mapped to Z m {\displaystyle Z_{m}} (concretely, by taking the product of all the Z m {\displaystyle Z_{m}} values), while the sign map on the symmetric group yields the Z 2 . {\displaystyle Z_{2}.} These are independent, and generate the group, hence are the abelianization.

The second homology group (in classical terms, the Schur multiplier) is given by (Davies & Morris 1974):

H 2 ( S ( 2 k + 1 , n ) ) = { 1 n < 4 Z / 2 n 4. {\displaystyle H_{2}(S(2k+1,n))={\begin{cases}1&n<4\\\mathbf {Z} /2&n\geq 4.\end{cases}}}
H 2 ( S ( 2 k + 2 , n ) ) = { 1 n = 0 , 1 Z / 2 n = 2 ( Z / 2 ) 2 n = 3 ( Z / 2 ) 3 n 4. {\displaystyle H_{2}(S(2k+2,n))={\begin{cases}1&n=0,1\\\mathbf {Z} /2&n=2\\(\mathbf {Z} /2)^{2}&n=3\\(\mathbf {Z} /2)^{3}&n\geq 4.\end{cases}}}

Note that it depends on n and the parity of m: H 2 ( S ( 2 k + 1 , n ) ) H 2 ( S ( 1 , n ) ) {\displaystyle H_{2}(S(2k+1,n))\approx H_{2}(S(1,n))} and H 2 ( S ( 2 k + 2 , n ) ) H 2 ( S ( 2 , n ) ) , {\displaystyle H_{2}(S(2k+2,n))\approx H_{2}(S(2,n)),} which are the Schur multipliers of the symmetric group and signed symmetric group.


  • Davies, J. W.; Morris, A. O. (1974), "The Schur Multiplier of the Generalized Symmetric Group", J. London Math. Soc., 2, 8 (4): 615–620, doi:10.1112/jlms/s2-8.4.615
  • Can, Himmet (1996), "Representations of the Generalized Symmetric Groups", Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 37 (2): 289–307, CiteSeerX
  • Osima, M. (1954), "On the representations of the generalized symmetric group", Math. J. Okayama Univ., 4: 39–54